Monday, December 30, 2019
New York Work-at-Home Call Center Jobs
New York Work-at-Home Call Center JobsNew York Work-at-Home Call Center JobsIf you live in New York you will need to concentrate your search to those that hire in the Empire State. Very few work at home call center companies hire in all states. Some states have a lot, while others have few call center companies. This list is by no means definitive, but these call center companies hire for work at home jobs in New York. Call Center Companies Accolade Support Call Center ServicesThe company uses independent contractor agents in tech untersttzung and customer tafelgeschirr jobs. Payment is on a per-minute fundament and it is capped at $10/hour, but there is no minimum rate of pay. Amazon.comThe online retail giant only hires in the select state but New York is one of them. Search work from home in Amazons job database for full- and part-time employment positions. Jobs pay $10-12/hour. American ExpressThis financial services company employs home-based call center agents with experience i n reservation systems for its corporate travel division. Bilingual agents needed. Apple At-Home AdvisorsApple At-Home is a work-at-home call center program from Apple that hires both college students and non-students for full- and part-time positions. It is part of the companys AppleCare support department. Use the keyword home in the companys job database. Recruits from Albany. .Apple provides a computer and phone. AsurionCall center for device replacement insurance (formerly NEW Corp) hires home-based employees in New York. Its agents are full- and part-time. Denihan Hospitality GroupNew York City-based hotel management and development company whose brands include The James and Affinia Hotels employs work from home reservation agents.Must train in NYC office before working from home. LiveOpsThe company hires independent contractor agents, including licensed insurance agents, for a variety of call center jobs for its clients including outbound sales, bilingual customer service (Spa nish and French) and financial services. Agents are paid at a rate that is based on minutes of talk time plus sales incentives in some cases. Agents must become certified to work for individual clients. This certification is not paid. Background check at the expense of the agent is required. Sitel WorkHomeHome-based employees take customer service calls, providing service in billing, orders, installation scheduling or technical support. All positions involve some sales. Bilingual agents with fluency in English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese and Spanish. More Bilingual Call Center Jobs Support.comThe company provides remote technical support to clients, via home-based tech supportchatandcall center agents. Its remote services technicians answer inbound calls and its solutions center supervisors support and supervise the remote services technicians. TeleTechHomeGlobal business process outsourcing (BPO) company employs full- and part-time associates to work from home as call agents and other fields. Bilingual call center agents needed. Benefits include paid training, 401k. Pay is $9-10/hour. Ver-A-FastWork at home call center agents uses a predictive dialer system to make verification calls for the companys clients, which are primarily from the newspaper industry. Independent contractors only. Working SolutionsThe company hires independent contractors to work on a project basis in home call centers, as travel consultants, and on data entry, There may be more companies on this list of call center companies that hire agents from New York. Know of another home call center company operating in New York?
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Pros and Cons of Timesheets in Advertising
The Pros and Cons of Timesheets in AdvertisingThe Pros and Cons of Timesheets in AdvertisingMany industries rely on timesheets to monitor employee productivity and calculate earnings and benefits. Some use a clocking in system with official timecards, and others rely on a time management system that records intricate details about the way the time welches spent each day. The latter is the one used by advertising, marketing, and design agencies around the world. The data input on these timesheets, usually by the staff in the creative department, logs the hours that have been spent on every part of the project. That doesnt just mean the creation of the campaign, but the initial briefing, the client presentation, and even the time spent at the shoots and production studios. Only by getting a clear picture of the way the time has been spent can an agency effectively handle the workload, the client billing arrangement, and the way the time is allocated between teams. The Timesheet in a Nutshell In the early days of advertising, like so many tasks of that era, time was recorded manually on paper with pens and pencils (and a lot of erasing). These days, time is entered into the computer or a tablet using a sophisticated piece of software that can pull reports of all varieties. Most shops have a very similar template that includes The job numberTheclientThe task at handAny and all assigned staffThe date and number of hours workedThe price per hourOvertime When starting a project for a client, the account manager or traffic manager will open a job number and begin to track hours. These will usually match the proposal or bid given to the client, and will be broken down into hours spent primarily in research, planning and strategy, creative development, production and project administration. If all goes to plan, the actual hours spent on the project will correlate nicely with the estimate, but that usually isnt the case. Creative development often eats up more time t han any other part of the process, due to a change in direction, client feedback, or the inability to crack the brief. It can become a point of contention with the client because they dont want to be spending a lot of extra money on creative time because the creative department is having trouble identifying a solution. However, the timesheet must be filled in correctly to track that time and show the client how the money was spent, and how the agency operated. Its a good way to see if some projects are too labor-intensive to turn a profit, or if others are so lucrative as to merit investment in that client for further work. And in a nutshell, thats the role of the timesheet. Pros Heres why timesheets are the lifeblood of any agency Money Timesheets show an agency (even in-house) how many hours were recorded for each part of every campaign. Its easy then to see if the clients retainer is worth it, or if its time to put the client on a project-by-project basis. With an in-house a gency, that time may not directly lead to billings, but it does show management how effectively they are utilizing the creative departments time. If it is discovered, they are spending 90% of their time on just one aspect of the business, that can create some red flags. Transparency If timesheets are done correctly, its easy to see where things are working smoothly, and where bottlenecks or inefficiencies are creeping in. Why is one copywriter spending half the time on one client than another is? And if more creatives are needed, a quick look at the timesheet will see if the department is overworked.Commitment and Accountability Most clients expect a certain amount of hours to be spent on a project. If they dont believe the right amount of effort was put into a job, the timesheets can provide the data to say otherwise. Its also a way to show some clients just how much value theyre getting from the agency. Analysis Past performance is often a good indicator of the future. If a client is sucking the life out of the agency and making it hell on everyone, the data from timesheets can show if its worth keeping that client around, or if its time to let them go. On the other side of the equation, it can show an agency the profitability of some clients, which require minimal creative work and effort, but a maximum return on the investment. Cons With all those positiv points, whats the problem? Well, there is a reason the timesheets are universally loathed by almost everyone except the number crunchers of the agency Time Many people in agencies, especially in creative departments, do not want to dedicate any of their time to administration. As a creative, it can be detrimental to break away from a great creative brainstorm to fill in hours. Many account managers have the same problems. Its ironic, but time for timesheets is rarely allocated.Errors This goes directly to the first point. Many creatives will leave the timesheets until the last minute before the end of month billing report. And that means that the accuracy of a timesheet goes from fairly good to appalling. Its hard to remember how many minutes you spent on one job two weeks ago, so its often a piece of guesswork. If the timesheets are all guessed, it makes them almost useless. Poor Focus Time isnot a great indicator of excellent advertising.One shop could spend 40 hours and not produce anything of note another could work 10 and produce a masterpiece. Timesheets do not record the quality of thinking just the time spent doing it. The Future Timesheets are here to stay, and they must be done manually. Automated time tracking doesnt work, because it requires manual starting and stopping. If you forget to start the clock, you lose hours. Forget to stop it, and some poor client is being billed for hours of work that were spent on another project. That, in turn, could lead to problems (and even lawsuits) with overbilling, and the loss of a valuable client. The only way to guarantee good time tracking is to insist everyone in the agency updates timesheets at least twice a day, once before lunch and then again before going home. If this is done, the timesheets will be accurate and helpful. And if its not being done, agencies should getcreative with motivation.Find a way to incentive the time tracking process. Give those employees who keep a meticulous record of their time a weekly bonus, or a few hours off on Fridays. It may seem like a waste of time and money, but accurate timesheets can be worth far more to the agency than a few hundred bucks here or there each week.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Best interview questions to ask potential employers
Best interview questions to ask potential employersBest interview questions to ask potential employersPicture this The job interview is (almost) over.Youve answered all their questions.Youve jumped through all their hoops.Youve taken all their tests, assessments and personality profiles.Meanwhile, your brain hurts from over thinking. Your butt is numb from over sitting. And by now, youve managed to sweat right through that crisp, new white shirt you bought just for today.Just hire me already You think.Not so fast. Theres leise one thing left to doWalk out of that interview in a blaze of gloryToday Im going to teach you a job-hunting strategy that will instantly make you more approachable hireable employable promotable buyable bookable unforgettable and, most importantly, call-back-able.And all of it hinges on your ability to respond effectively to one of the most common (yet one of the most under leveraged) interview questionsSo, do you have any questions for me?Prospective employers almost always ask this one especially at the end of the interview. And most job-hunting books, interviewing resources and career coaches will advise you to respond with intelligent, creative questions such asWhy is this position vacant?Do you promote from within?Do you have a formal training program?What are the future goals of the company?How will I know that I have met your goals?Why did you choose to work for this company?How would you describe your companys culture?How will my performance be evaluated, and how often?What is the average work week of the person who will fill this job?Will I be hearing from you or should I contact you?Those are great questions to ask in an interview. Theyre smart, focused and goal-oriented.Theres only one problem Everybody else asks them, too.And that instantly eliminates the probability of standing out.Heres the realityThe less boring and normal you are and the more rules to which you are the exception the more hireable you will become.So, try this Next time your interviewer asks, So, do you have any questions for me? I triple-dog-dare you to answer with one of the following responsesDo you see any gaps in my qualifications that I need to fill?Are there any reasons Im elend fully qualified for this position?Is there anything Ive said today that might hurt my chances of being hired here?Now that youve had a chance to meet and interview me, what reservations would you have in putting me in this position?What have I accidentally said or done during todays interview thats inconsistent with your perfect candidate for this job?Heres why this strategy worksYou put the interviewer on the spot. After all, youre not the only one being interviewed here. So, turning the tables in this manner helps you maintain power because contrary to popular conditioning the listener controls.You prove counterintuitive thinking. I dont care if youre applying to work the night clean up shift at Reggies Roadkill Cafe employers love people who thi nk this way. Not just someone who is unexpected but someone who actually thinks unexpectedly.You demonstrate openness to feedback. My great friend, Joe Rotskoff, HR manager at Crescent Plumbing Supply in St. Louis, was the person who first educated me on this interview approach. The secret is twofold, Rotskoff said. First, you display openness to how others experience you. Second, you show a dedication to improving self-awareness. And thats exactly the type of employee companies seek to hire in this tough economy.You exhibit dedication to personal improvement. Which makes you an employee who adds value to the net worth of her human capital and, therefore, the net worth of the companys assets every day. Wow.You close the sale. Job interviews are sales calls. Period. Youre selling the company on you, your skills and your long-term potential as a valued asset to the team. So, when you ask closer questions like these, youre essentially asking for the sale. And youre doing so in a pro fessional, tactful, confident manner. How could they not say yes to you?Now, heres the worst thing that could happenLets say you ask one of these questions. And lets say the prospective employer (unfortunately) responds with an answer that indicates youve done something wrong. Or missed the mark. Or come up short in regards to the position.Fantastic Youve just received specific feedback that you can leverage to add value to yourself and become more hireable in the future.So, if this is the case for you, heres my suggestion Physically write down his response to your questions, right then and there. This demonstrates active listening and further reinforces your openness to feedback.Then, when you write your thank-you note to the interviewer later that evening, be sure to1. Thank him again for the helpful feedback on your performance2. Explain what your commitment plan is for remedying that inadequacy in the future. Hey, he might even change his mind after thatBut heres the best thing that could happenPicture this The interviewers jaw hits the floor, his pen falls to the ground, and he stares at you like you just told him that his company was going to be featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal.Then, once he mops up the puddle of drool on your job application, he racks his brain trying to come up with an answer to your powerful question.But he cant find one.Because there isnt one.Because you, my unemployed friend, are pretty amazing.And you deserve this job a hundred times more than every other candidate who walked in the door befThats what happens when you stick yourself out there. Thats what happens when youre approachable.You walk out of that job interview in a blaze of glory.And then, come Monday morning, you walk back into that same building. But this time, youre not there for an interview youre there to see how spectacular the view is from your new office.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
How to Handle Someone Who Insists on Going Over Your Head- The Muse
How to Handle Someone Who Insists on Going Over Your Head- The MuseHow to Handle Someone Who Insists on Going Over Your HeadIm by no means a shrinking violet. But I have, on multiple occasions in my career, come up against people who treat me like Im not important enough to work with them. And despite the fact that I usually feel pretty confident, this experience often leaves me a bit stunned.You know the people Im talking about, because youve probably come across them too. Theyre the ones who CC your boss on every email, who talk over you when you work one-on-one, or who dismiss your ideas before you even have a chance to get them out.Well, the good thing about handling these snobs (no wait, bullies no wait, difficult clients or co-workers) is that learning to work with them provides you with invaluable skills. For example, what to do the next time someone insists on escalating a conversation to your manager. Heres my three-step plan to dealing with someone like this.Step 1 Be Cryst al Clear on Your ResponsibilitiesIts very disempowering when someone tells you dont have the authority to work with him. I imagine that the only thing worse would be to find out later that he was right.If someone comes at you like she really ought to be speaking with your boss, its important that youre 100% certain that youre not, in fact, over-stepping. For example, I once had a role where part of my job was coalition-building. Before having coffee with a notoriously difficult member of the community, I sat down with my executive director and worked through the key points he wanted me to get across. During my meeting that afternoon, when I said that we shared certain goals, this part pushed back that I couldnt possibly speak on behalf of the organization. Because of my earlier discussion, I confidently stood my ground and cited the recent conversation with my teamberaterin as proof that I was indeed empowered to deliver this message.Step 2 Stand Up for YourselfIts upsetting to feel like someone else is saying that youre not worth his time. The lovely person I mentioned above also commented that it was inappropriate for me to reach out to her as there was someone at my level working beneath her in her organization.However, your boss hired you and gave you this project for a reason He knows you can do it Also, hed much rather his employees be allowed to do their jobs, rather than receive an extra 100 emails a day just because people want someone more powerful involved. So, be encouraged by your supervisors faith in you. And while you might feel offended, try to avoid being contentious when you push back. In other words, Actually, thats what they pay me for isnt going to help you build any bridges. You can get the same message across in kinder language such as, Actually, Jason asked me to run point on this project due to my experience in organizing community events and my track record in fundraising. Step 3 Be a TattletaleYes, you read that correctly. Ideally, w hen youre doing exactly what youre supposed to and you alert the other party to that fact, everyone proceeds to play nicely and get their work done.But thats not always how it works. Some people will keep disrespecting you, because in their world, its opposite day, and being rude to you will prove youre not up to the task- resulting in an automatic in with your supervisor.I appreciate that your first instinct is to handle this yourself, but if thats simply not working, you need to alert your boss. If its someone in-house, your boss will probably want to talk him or her through an organizational chart and lead a discussion on what does and doesnt need to be elevated. If its an external stakeholder, your boss may have a variety of ways she can smooth things over. She can chime in that shed love to take over, but as she is terribly busy, she wont be able to get to this persons urgent requests for several weeks. She can say that youve only said the most wonderful things about this other person and shes so glad to hear that things are moving along as swimmingly as she had hoped. Or, she can say that shed love to help, but as you are the expert, shell be consulting with you prior to each and every conversation because yours is the most valuable feedback of all.If your supervisor needed to handle a VIP project personally, he would. And if he gave it to you, its because he thinks youre the best person for the job. So, dont let someone elses poor attitude bring you down. Stay focused on doing the great job youre known for.Photo of frustrated man courtesy of Shutterstock.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Apps that make splitting the check so much easier
Apps that make splitting the check so much easierApps that make splitting the check so much easierOne thing that I hear about a lot from clients (and have experienced myself) is how difficult it can be to stay on budget when they go out to eat with friends. Obviously, its much easier to split a check evenly, rather than calculating how much each part owes. However, many people are ordering less food or less expensive food in order to be social while sticking to their budget. Luckily, there are lots of apps out there that can make dining out, traveling, and living with other people much less complicated, financially. Here are some of my favoritesSplitwiseI had heard a lot aboutSplitwisefrom clients who use it with romantic parteners or roommates, but I hadnt used it myself until this past March. I was up in Vermont for my friend Ninas bachelorette party and we were all perusing a cute wine and cheese shop. One of the other women suggested that she just pay for all of the wine and chee se (which added up to over $200) and then we could pay her back through Splitwise. Basically, you can create a group or event in the app and invite people to be part of it. Every individual can input how much theyve spent and decide who owes them what. It was amazing how easy it made the bachelorette weekend. No one had to worry who was spending how much on what, because we were all able to settle up at the end.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreSettleUpSpeaking of settling up,SettleUpis another app thats a lot like Splitwise. All of the expenses are uploaded and synced so that every person in the group can see them. By the end of the event or trip, everyones expenses are uploaded and you can see who owes who to whom.PlatesPlatesis actually a subsidiary of Splitwise, and its another app that I hadnt heard of until recently. A big group of friends went out for brunch for a birthday celebration and we all ordered differently priced dishes. Instead of flipping over the receipt and writing who owed what on the back, we decided to use the Plates app, which one person had on their phone. You can split it between up to 10 people, and even assign seats to them on the app, which makes it easier to remember who ordered what. The best part of the app is that it assigns tax and tip based on how much the person actually paid for their order.TabTabis specifically an app that helps you split the check at a restaurant. You simply upload a photo of the receipt and assign specific orders to each person. This app also calculates the tax and tip for everyone, which makes that math much easier.VenmoVenmois a popular cash sharing app, not an app that splits your check or other expenses. But its a really easy way to pay someone back for something Plus, it often connects to the apps listed above and is the way you actually make the payment in the end.The next time youre going out t o dinner or on a trip with friends make sure you have at least one of these apps on your phone. Itll make things much less complicatedThis article originally appeared on Maggie Germano.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Secret Truth About Sales Resume Objectives Exposed
The Secret Truth About abverkauf Resume Objectives Exposed The Rise of Sales Resume Objectives Review all the current systems you understand about, and study new developments in the business. Setting individual wertzuwachs objectives is important to attain individual targets and at precisely the same time achieving the overall aims of the organization. Hence your resume should demonstrate that youve got leadership and organizational skills to have any challenges. For instance, it might state some of your previous accomplishments, then move on to the types of accomplishments you want to achieve in the future (ideally, accomplishments you need to achieve for the organization youre applying to work for). Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Sales Resume Objectives Is Wrong Your objective isnt just about the kind of abverkauf position youre searching for, its also about what you could do for the business that hires you. wertzuwachs objectives are based on the particular res ponsibilities of workers in addition to the overall aims of the organization or company. They are different goals for a companys employees. An effective performance objective is important for every single corporation. If youre interested in employed as a sales manager, you may as well take a look at the Sample Sales Manager Resumes for your next resume update. Sales position where my abilities and experience can effectively be utilized to raise sales revenue. Offering a skilled and positive strategy, strong sales acumen, superb customer service skills and a passion for your merchandise. Make sure that your keywords are related to your precise application. A top quality sample marketing resume will contain a lot of the key phrases and phrases employers are interested in, a couple times throughout their application. If youre looking for different performance objective forms, then youre on the perfect page. Our performance objective forms will supply you with the information a nd the templates to aid you with what you will need. Sales Resume Objectives Secrets That No One Else Knows About Position Overview A sales representative is generally the very first person who you meet when you enter in a shop. Then youll determine which one is most effective for you as a way to create one for your own resume. There are typical competencies that all sales associates should possess to be able to successfully execute the job. In order to make an engaging sales associate resume objective, it is very important to communicate your abilities and experience. The Start of Sales Resume Objectives A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even should you not own a lot of related experience. As someone in the retail industry, you may not be sure whether to include things like a resume objective. Finally, stating an objective is optional, but it might help convince employers that you understand what you want and know the business. Your objectiv e needs to be well-stated to be able to show employers that youre an effective communicator and enthusiastic about working with their company. Getting aware that each and every retail position plays a crucial part in the success of a company can go a very long way toward impressing management, so if youre a fantastic team player with a friendly personality customers love, be certain to incorporate this data in the objective. Another reason it is far better to be more specific than general is that if you own a track record at a senior level and are interested in finding a role, a recruiter sees it as a given that you may deliver. Just make sure you tailor your objective to the particular sales job youre applying for. With this much job at hand, if a sales worker knows how to control their time, they are going to have very effective productivity. Our Generic Resume Objectives may also be helpful to you. Resumes ought to be targeted effectively at the particular kind of marketing job applied for. Objectives ought to be checked for spelling and proofread by a specialist. When writing your resume objective, you always need to have the aim of answering this question. This kind of statement makes most resume writers cringe for a couple explanations. You ought to have five objective statements. The mission statement also comprises the normal requirements for such an occupation or career field. It is often as easy as stating your preferred job title, or it may show where youre, and where you aspire to go in your career. Although it is an entry-level job, its still true that you should make sure you set your best in everything that you do, starting with the resume that you pass. Use this space to highlight why youre a professional candidate. Bellow, youll discover a sample resume and likewise some advice for your job interview. Bear in mind, your target is to catch the hiring managers eye and stick out from the remainder of the paper in that pile. The objective sentence for your resume should communicate the sort of job youre trying to get. Instead were likely to concentrate on your objective. Resume objectives can be a little controversial.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Why Focusing On Diversity and Inclusion Is Your Best Move
Why Focusing On Diversity and Inclusion Is Your Best MoveA successful recruitment process requires a focus on a number of different factors. Youll want to employ the proper technology in order to ensure your interviews run smoothly, while also ensuring that youve written a job description that will attract the right kind of candidates. However, a conscientious hiring manager will also put an emphasis on diversity and inclusion in order to create a gruppe that yields positive, innovative energy, while serving its customer base effectively.A Gallup study, that was published in the Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies, recently took a look at manager-employee race differences. They found that study respondents intentions to remain at their current position were the highest when the employee and managers were of different races and were working in an engaging workplace. In fact, the figures were even higher than when managers and employees were of the saatkorn race working in th e same situation.Additionally, a new report fromCatalyst shows that increasing levels of female employment could boost a businesss Gross Domestic Product by 5 percent in the United States.Its clear that building diversity and inclusion in the office offers businesses a number of perks. Beyond just job satisfaction and increased economic opportunity, developing a team of employees from different walks of life and with different perspectives on the world enables the brand to innovate on a larger scale. Lets discuss the reasons diversity and inclusion should be a focus in your hiring processInnovative processes guide successWhen you have designers who see the world in a very similar way, for example, its easy to end up with product lines that eventually grow stale. After all, these people have the same world-view and probably have similar influences. They cant help but design based on this one narrow perspective.Additionally, if youre working in a customer service role and are tasked w ith troubleshooting for clients, your team is going to find it mora challenging to attack the problem effectively when everyone is approaching the dilemma from the same mindset. Thats why having employees from a diverse range of ethnicities and beliefs enables you to serve your clients more effectively. Unfortunately, even a well-intentioned hiring manager can end up creating a cookie-cutter environment and not understand the importance of diversity in your office. At times this is due to personal biases that they arent even fully aware they possess. Are you a well-intentioned hiring manager creating a cookie-cutter environment?Click To TweetIn other instances the homogenization of a workplace happens because those tasked with hiring didnt try hard enough to target a diverse candidate pool, so they ended up getting the same type of applicant over and over for the open position. Instead of reaching out to different professional organizations and making them aware of the open position , they posted in the same forums or used the same hiring methods they had always relied on, thus providing them with the same kinds of job seekers they typically get when theyve had open positions in the past.Society demands inclusionMajor, popular companies have found themselves in hot water over diversity issues lately.Twitter, for example, recently came under fire when Leslie Miley, the only black engineer in a leadership position, announced he left the company after concerns about diversity and inclusion. Twitters only black engineer left due to a concern with diversity efforts. hr hiringClick To TweetMiley wrote a post explaining that he asked a question about increasing diversity during an engineering leadership meeting. The brands Senior VP of Engineering replied by saying, diversity is important, but we wont lower the bar.Miley went on to have a one-on-one meeting with this executive and found that the individual drastically disagreed with his own take about how to track eth nicities of job applicants. This led Miley to question how the executive could, as Miley writes, see himself as a technology visionary and be so unaware of this blind spot in his understanding of diversity. While Twitter may be an impressive brand in the technology space, its clear that this is still a concern businesses across all industries need to confront head-on.While there are plenty of factors to consider as you move through the hiring process, such as the speed with which you conduct interviews, the kinds of technology you want to incorporate into your process, and how thoroughly your job description is crafted, its essential not to lose sight of the importance of diversity and inclusion as youre hiring. Adding a broad range of job candidates from differing races, sexual orientation, and backgrounds allows for a collaborative and dynamic working environment.What are you doing to enhance inclusion and diversity efforts at your company?
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Office seating can change your life, and one company is doing something about it
Office seating can change your life, and one company is doing something about itOffice seating can change your life, and one company is doing something about itOne of the quietly fraught aspects of both modern amtsstubes and high school lunchrooms is this where will you sit?Studies show that office seat mates affect every employees mood, productivity and even health. From loud talkers to constantly-sick viral incubators to the office humorist and beloved work spouse, proximity through seating is a quiet key for office morale.One startup is going the extra mile elend to mess it up. Mobile payments startup Squareis making the art of office seating arrangements a full-time job. Dubbed a Capacity Coordinator in the job posting, this position is equal parts project manager, data analyst, and relationship builder.Not only will the new Capacity Coordinatorbe handling where new hires sit and moving teams, he or she will also be working on cross-functional seating projectsand maintaining offi ce furniture,among other things. Weve reached out to Square for comment.A manager dedicated to seating plans at the office isnt necessarily far-fetched. In fact, itfits into a larger conversation abouthow much nearby colleagues - well as the layout ofthe space- can impact employees productivity.Emotional contagion and the personality matchGetting the right fit between personalities at work almost requires its own technology. When trying to get your work done, youprobably pick up on the vibes of the person sitting next to you.A 2002 study published inAdministrative Science Quarterly found thatpeople do not live on emotional islands but, rather, that group members experience moods at work, these moods ripple out and, in the process, influence not only other group members emotions but their group dynamics and individual cognitions, attitudes, and behaviors as well.How workers feel canmake waves on your team, and influence how others feel and work together. The 2002 study calls a pers on or group impacting the feelings or actions of others emotional contagion.The most surprising part scientific studies have shown there is a financial and organizational benefit from well-arranged seating at work.Cornerstone OnDemand and Harvard Business School partnered up on research that determined the ideal seating arrangement, based on workers productivity levels.The study matchedproductive workers (very productive but lack in quality) and quality workers (produce superior quality but lack in productivity) together. It said that generalists (average in quality and productivity) should be matched separately, and thatsymbiotic relationships are created from pairing those with opposite strengths.According to the findings, placing the right type of workers in close proximity to each other has been shown to generate up to a 15% increase in organizational performance. For an organization of 2,000 workers, strategic seating planning could add an estimated $1 million per annum to prof it, the study said. There might just be a formula for this after all.Open office backlashWorkspace layout matters because open offices dont always make for greater productivity, despite their popularity.An anonymous survey of more than 1,000 peopleby enterprise software strategist William Belk found that 58% of high-performance employees need more private spaces for problem solving, and 54% of them think their office space is too distracting,according to a post on Medium.These workerswere defined as those working on the hardest problems.According to Belk, these percentages point to four conclusions distractions are badeanstalt for these workers productivity, poor productivity hurts our products and time-to-market, offices are too open overall, and that employers need to listen to the needs of high-performance employees.Forbes reported that about 70% of U.S. offices have some type of open floor plan,as found by theInternational Facility Management Association.But research says that o ur productivity goes down by 15%, were two times as likely to get sick and that its hard to focus in open offices, according to the BBC. Open offices are also stressful for introverts, who feel a need to limit their exposure to othersin order to be more creative.Thats why many startups have a variety of areas in which to work, including pods, quiet rooms, and other escape spaces. Lunchrooms, cafes and other food spaces make it less likely that people will eat at their desks, distracting colleagues with smells and chewing sounds. (Yes, some people are naturally sensitive to loud chewing.)Some organizations like marketing company Groove have started to make things easier for employees to work privately.People have different needs throughout their day - times they want to collaborate and times where they just need to think by themselves, Groove CEOEthan Giffin told The Huffington Post.The companys new office (as of a few years ago) was built with a library featuring an unspoken no-tal king rule and other places to work that were smaller and more private,according to The Huffington Post.We look forward to the popularization of a personality-matched office that welcomes both extroverts and introverts - and has plenty of nap pods, besides.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
4 Ways to Be More Concise in Your Job Search
4 Ways to Be More Concise in Your Job Search4 Ways to Be More Concise in Your Job SearchIts a skill some people possess and others have to work toward, and its important to be aware of no matter which category you belong to the ability to be succinct. Some people are stream-of-consciousness talkers and writers, while others are briefsometimes too brief,so that the main idea is bedrngnis conveyed. Some people are a hybrid clear and concise talkersbut long-winded writers, or vice versa.There are ways to train yourself to get to the point quicker verbally and in writing, which can help you through the job search process and in your career.Job Search. There is so much immediately accessible information available now that its hard to cut through the clutter. Its difficult to know which job search resources are worthwhile. Almost no one has the time to sift through all that data and figure out whats useful and whats not. How can you work mora efficiently when searching for the right job? Set up free job alerts on several sites that will email you relevant postings at your specified frequency. You can do this on HotJobAlerts, Monsterand CareerBuilder, among many others. HotJobAlerts aggregates jobs from many different sites so that you can catch postings from some of the larger job search sites. Dont rely exclusively on the Internet for your search. Get out and meet people socially and professionally. There are postings you will never see online and jobs you will never know about until you start meeting people.Rsum. More is not better. Quality wins over quantity. This applies here as well as in your cover letters. A one-page rsum does not mean you have less worthy experience than someone with two pages. It usually is a positive sign to have fewer pages, because it tells hiring managers you can write concisely and apply what is relevant from your background to the job youre applying to. Hiring managers will look less favorably at a person with a lengthy rsum that in cludes unnecessary information. They want to know immediately that you can sift through a massive amount of data to highlight only the important accomplishments and value you bring to the organization. It makes sense Youll likely be required to do the same in your job, no matter what field youre in. Of course there are exceptions. In CVs for academic and medical fields, you are expected to include more information about your work as well as your publications. It can also benefit you to include more details of your work history when applying to federal government jobs. Cover Letter. Brevity does not mean ignoring the cover letter. It is mucksmuschenstill very important, and it is not a retelling of your rsum. If the hiring manager likes your rsum, hell read your cover letter. However, this doesnt mean it shouldnt be succinct. Rarely should a cover letter go past one page, unless youre in a more academic field and have the background to warrant it. A way to instantly attract someo ne to read your cover letter is to use bullets in part of the letter to showcase the accomplishments and qualities you offer. You should write the letter thinking, what do they want to know? Employers want to know how you can solve their potential problems and be a good fit for their team.Based on conversations youve had and the job description, who do you think they want as anemployee? Address the value you bring to the company and job. Interviewing. An interviewer, or even a person you just met at a networking event, is nottypicallyinterested in your whole life story. This person wants to know, how can you help me/our company? Not every answer you give will be along those lines, but try to remember that during the interview. Youll want to make sure that based on your answers, the interviewer has a good grasp of how you can help the firm. As you answer questions during an interview, try to use one or two specific examples to demonstrate a personal quality or situation theyve aske d about. You dont need to include every detail. Theyre most interested in the task you had, the action you took and the result. And as you speak, try to leave space. Just as your rsum and cover letter should have some white space and reasonably sized margins, so too should your speech. Practice taking pauses at the end of a statement or idea as you prepare for an interview. It gives you a chance to think (and breathe) and your interviewer a chance to process the information youve shared. The key in all unterstellung aspects of the job search process is to practice. The more you search, the more you write and the more you talk to other professionals, the better youll get at creating space and being brief. These are skills that extend beyond the job search and will help you tremendously at work as well. The best researchers know how to cull the right data the best presenters know how to get to the point and pause during speeches and the best communicators know how to convey a messag e clearly and concisely in fewer words. Its all in a days work. Marcelle Yeageris the president ofCareer Valet, which delivers personalized career navigation services. Her goal is to enable people to recognize skills and job possibilities they didnt know they had to make a career change or progress in their current career. She worked for more than 10 years as a strategic communications consultant, including four years overseas. Marcelle holds an MBA from the University of Maryland.
How I Handled a Co-workers Public Scandal - The Muse
How I Handled a Co-workers Public Scandal - The Muse How I Handled a Co-workers Public Scandal The storm began to swirl the day we returned from winter vacation. The head of the language arts department at the school where I teach failed to come in for work. Her unexplained absence sent the administration scrambling. They called her phone with no results. They couldnât locate her at area hospitals. She was in the wind. By early afternoon, thanks to the local news, the entire faculty knew what had happened. Sheâd been booked into jail. The charges? Eventually theyâd boil down to six felony counts for having sexual relations with a student over a long period of time, to which sheâd plead ânot guilty.â The details would grow more sordid in the coming weeks. To say that I was stunned would be an understatement. I worked with her for seven years. We werenât close, but we were respectful and cordial. And while she always had teens hanging out in her room during lunch and after school, I shrugged. I had kids around all the time, too. However, I felt like kicking myself. Iâd seen this particular student exiting my former colleagueâs car on two different occasions. Itâs against the rules to drive students anywhere. But Iâd been informed, when I was going to report it that the administration already knew and was speaking with her about it. I was also furious. How could she place all of us in this vulnerable position? Throughout the rest of the day, the story gained traction. Media crews were perched outside the school like crows, hoping to catch students, parents, and teachers on camera during dismissal. That evening, I was unpleasantly surprised to see two of my own students on the news. One of them had never even taken a class with her. Thatâs the moment that I made some decisions. Twice before in my life, peers have committed shocking crimes; both are now in prison (one for life). I learned from them that a situation like this doesnât go away overnight. Any new developments and, if it gets that far, a trial, can reignite media coverage, re-spark watercooler gossip, and fan fallout. No matter what job youâre working in, when a colleague is accused of a crime, the alleged offense can become a rain cloud that pours down on the entire business and everyone associated with it. Itâs not fair, but thatâs reality. If you find yourself in that situation, I know from experience that itâs imperative to gird yourself and guard those you care about. So protecting myself, my record, my students- and because I was in a position of responsibility, my entire department- became a priority. The next day, I gave all my classes a brief lecture on manipulations of the media and the infinite length of the internetâs memory. The first rule of thumb, I told them, is not to give interviews to media. Your quote will be pulled out for online news stories, where your name will be forever connected to misconduct- sometimes without the nuance or context you intended. âI never had her as a teacher but she was always so nice to me when I passed her in the hallwayâ can be truncated into âShe was always so nice to me.â I asked them: âWhich one is more insinuating?â Before long, I began to see people I knew posting articles about the incident on social media, along with their horrified, snarky, and sometimes smug comments. My sympathies lay entirely with the victim. Still, I couldnât help but want to defend my workplace. But I refrained. Any argument I engaged in would be unwinnable. And given the nature of the supposed transgressions, I absolutely did not want my views to be misconstrued, especially not in a public forum. Even in personal communications, I was circumspect, because this is no longer a world where we can expect privacy. As my boss found that out the hard way when he sent a contentious email to a parent, assume everything will leak. Whether or not someone chooses to remain friends with a colleague whoâs been accused of a crime is a personal decision, of course, and also depends on the nature of the misdeed. Not all co-workers whoâve erred will be immediately fired. Not all will be arrested and booked in jail. Some will need your support. I find empathy to be a standout trait. It doesnât cost you anything but time or labor to listen, to help someone move to a less expensive apartment, or even to take care of pets while someoneâs dealing with the justice system. Still, thereâs a line. Iâd be wary about lending anyone money for bail or legal fees, especially someone whoâs no longer employed. Donât volunteer or agree to be a character witness for the defense. Donât offer a room in your home; you might find that theyâll never leave. In my case, my boss specifically warned all of us in a faculty meeting: We were to have no contact with the accused teacher. If we did and he found out, weâd be fired. In the end, I only paid real attention to two things: court dates, which helped predict when we might expect another onslaught of negative attention, and my performance at work. It was difficult but imperative to continue a regular routine for me and for my students, especially those who felt betrayed by this woman. I allowed them a few minutes each day to express themselves, but eventually weâd get down to business. I also continued my regular administrative duties and kept up with my professional development. Still, I prepared myself for another future as well. When an organization is continually discolored by one personâs scandal, the reality is that it might not recover. So I updated my resume. I consulted job listings. I sent out inquiries. All the while, my colleagues and I carried on with our jobs, doing our utmost to ensure we were still following through on the mission that had attracted us there in the first place. I probably wonât have to put my exit strategy in motion. But as I see crises unfold at different types of organizations every week, it reminds me that no matter what industry youâre in, disaster can strike at any time, for any reason. If you love your job or your company, itâs both painful and enraging to watch from the inside as one unfolds. But thereâs also opportunity during times of calamity. If you donât allow your work ethic to flag and continue to offer your best to the people you work with, your efforts will be appreciated and could become watershed moments in your career. In the end, how a colleagueâs scandal affects you really depends on you.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Heres a Great Team Building Icebreaker for Meetings
Here's a Great Team Building Icebreaker for Meetings Here's a Great Team Building Icebreaker for Meetings Try out this always successful, laughter-generating, team building icebreaker. Itâs a good icebreaker for a meeting because it takes so little time, yet gives you the exact results that you require from a team-building icebreaker. It also produces great results for the facilitator. Your attendees pay you back with the warmth that their conversation generates. Not even the shyest participant is wary about finding what he or she has in common with the other people in the group. Conversations tend to concentrate on items external to the employee. Consequently, employees can relate and share without feeling as if the group conversation is too personal or invasive. It has a positive effect on the interaction of the group members. Team Building Icebreaker Steps Divide the meeting participants into groups of four or five people by having them number off. (You do this because people generally begin a meeting by sitting with the people they already know best, especially their closest coworkers and people from their departments. Its a natural comfort zone thing.) One of the key expectations for any icebreaker that you offer is to help people from different departments get to know each other. It helps you build more effective teams and reinforces camaraderie and cooperation across departments. In a public meeting, you want to foster the same goodwill in the group so that the conversation flows freely throughout the day. When attendees start by finding commonalities, no matter the attendees group assignment, he or she is comfortable participating. Tell the newly formed groups that their assignment is to find ten things that they have in common, with every other person in the group, and that the commonalities they identify must have nothing to do with work. It helps the group explore shared interests outside of the workplace. (Youll want to tell the people that they may not select body parts that they have in common or use types of clothing as commonalities.)Tell the group to find the ten things that they have in common with the other people at their table. Groups take no more than ten or fifteen minutes to do the exercise from experience using this team building icebreaker. Tell the groups that one person must take notes and be ready to read the groups list of ten commonalities to the whole group upon completion of the assignment.Ask for a volunteer to read their groups whole list of things in common first. (This works better than having the facilitator select the first group to share as it does not take an employee out of their comfort zone. The first group sharing their list volunteered.Then, ask the other notetakers, in turn, to share their groups whole list of commonalities with the whole group. Because people are your best source of laughter and fun, the reading of the lists always generates a lot of laughter and discussion. Attendees also enjoy finding one of their ten things in common on another groups list of things in common, too. You can also catch the drift of the conversations that took place in the small groups based on the transitions made from item to item. Participants love to compare their list of items with the lists generated in the other small groups. You will want to allow a free flow of conversation, laughter, and sharing. Your audience is your best resource for making this icebreaker a fun part of your training, meeting, or team-building event. Problem Solving Facilitation Recommendations This team-building icebreaker takes 10-15 minutes, depending on the number of groups. To keep the activity ?down to ten minutes, after seven minutes of brainstorming together, tell the groups that the lists that they have created are perfect, no matter how many items they have on their list. Then, debrief the activity. You dont want to make the rest of the participants wait with their eyes focused on the slower groups- waiting. It also makes it harder for the already slow groups to finish because they become self-conscious and squirmy when all eyes are on them. It is not good for building camaraderie and a sense of group cohesion. It is a tip for any meeting. You will frequently have a group or two that is slower than the others, and this is a way to address this issue.
Monday, November 18, 2019
22% of managers say workers who lunch break less hardworking
22% of managers say workers who lunch break less hardworking 22% of managers say workers who lunch break less hardworking While it can be hard enough to figure out what to eat for lunch at work, it turns out that some employees feel like taking a lunch break tarnishes their managerâs perception of them.close dialog Advertisementclose dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012257 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close { z-index: 2;}@-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin { from { -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin { from { -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate (360deg); } } #bx-close-inside-1012257 { top: 0; right: 0; } /* KD - Remove padding from video wrapper and set height to 100% */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper { padding-top: 0!important; height: 100%;}.bx-custom#bx-campaign-1012257 #bx-creative-1012257 .bx-wrap { height: auto;}/* KD - Change positioning to static as that was not necesaary and here you can adjust the height of the video element */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper video { position: static;}/* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *:first-child {width: 100%;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative {background-color: transparent;border-style: none;max-width: 900px;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close {stroke: white;background-color: black;border-style: solid;border-color: white;border-width: 1px;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-AFvXB OB {padding: 10px;display: block;width: auto;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-J0EiS8Y {width: auto;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-J0EiS8Y *:first-child {padding: 2px 4px;font-size: 10px;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);text-transform: uppercase;background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34);}Torkâs âTake Back the Lunch Breakâ survey - out last month - showed that itâs not all in our heads, finding that 22% of managers in North America consider workers who do so are âless hardworking.â And other findings mirror this data - almost 20% of employees in North America âworryâ that their managers wonât consider them âhardworkingâ if they break for lunch regularly.KRC Research and Jennifer Deal, Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Creative Leadership and Affiliated Research Scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California (USC), worked together on Torkâs research. They surveyed 1,600 workers in Canada and the United States.The benefits of breaking for lunchAccording to the infographic, while 81% of employees who break for lunch each day are people with âa strong desire to be an active member in their company.â Almost 90% of North American employees report that giving themselves this time to eat during the work day âhelps them feel refreshed and ready to get back to work.âIt also says that employees who break for lunch at work each day âare more likely to be satisfied with their current job and feel valued by their employer.âWhat happens when lunch breaks take a back seatDeal commented on the findings in a statement.âReluctance to take a lunch break is often perceived as a display of dedication to the job ⦠In reality, taking time away for a lunch break can help to reduce stress, increase engagement, and restore energy levels, making employees feel more effective and productive back at the office,â she said.In other words, the on ly person youâre hurting by not taking a lunch break is yourself - but there are many reasons why you might avoid doing so.While 13% of employees think that those they work with âwill judge themâ because of their lunch break, 38% report that they âdonât feel encouraged toâ have one.But the research also shows that they play a role in performance reviews, with 34% of managers in North America saying that they factor in the frequency of a workerâs lunch breaks during their assessment.Tork has designated the third Friday in June âNational Take Back the Lunch Break Dayâ as part of its efforts.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
4 Office Tips for Skype Interviews
4 Office Tips for Skype Interviews 4 Office Tips for Skype Interviews When you prepare for a Skype video interview, you already know to be dressed as if youâre going to be in an in-office interview. But beyond dressing to impress your interviewer, look around your home office. Unlike a phone interview, you need to style your office when you have a video interview. So what does your background say about you? Cast a discerning design eye to your surroundings and style it using these tips for Skype interviews: Declutter A cluttered desk or stacks of magazines behind you do not a good first impression make. It will automatically make your interviewer think that youâre disorganized and it can reflect poorly on you. So be sure to clear all extra items from the background, and clean the space as well. Make it interesting Decluttering doesnât mean that you should film your interview against a blank wall, either. An interviewer will want to see some character in the room, so keep some books or a pretty lamp behind you. You want the room to reflect your personality and professionalism, not be a sterile space that doesnât give the interviewer an idea of who you are. Keep it light In terms of lighting, make sure that you- and the room youâre in- are well-lit. Turn on lamps for a warm and inviting feel. You can always open the blinds for a natural and flattering light. Stay centered You (not your room) should be the focal point of the video. Make sure that your camera is not zoomed in so close as to see every pore in your skin, and not zoomed so far out that the interviewer can see the entire room. Check your camera to make sure that itâs at the right focus. Clearing, cleaning and redesigning your home office will help set the stage for a successful video interview. Readers, how do you prepare your home office for a video interview?
Saturday, November 16, 2019
This is why self-appreciation is the foundation of life
This is why self-appreciation is the foundation of life This is why self-appreciation is the foundation of life âYouâre either self-appreciating or self-depreciating. There is no middle.â ? Lana M. H. WilderThe end of the year is deceiving . This fictional boundary puts our focus on the future?- ?we all think about improving ourselves.Your life is like a house. Thereâs nothing wrong with dreaming about having nicer windows or changing the colors of the walls. But if the foundation is not strong enough, the house wonât hold the weight?- ?it will collapse.When you dream to become someone else, you stop valuing who you are.Self-appreciation is the foundation of a happy life. Without it, you canât build a bigger you.You become who you say you areâWhat lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.â â" Ralph Waldo EmersonSelf-growth is about becoming the best version of yourself, not someone else. Appreciating who you are is the secret for a strong foundation?- ?you can build on top of what you already are.Self-Appreciation is not self-esteem, as I explain here?- ?itâs not about feeling special but accepting your uniqueness instead.Our society is rooted in high self-esteem?- ?it pushes us to be special, unique, and above average.Thatâs why we focus too much on whatâs visible?- ?the exterior. And pay little attention to our foundation. Pursuing self-esteem is directly linked to anxiety and depression disorders?- ?the more you want to become someone else, the less you can value yourself.We were taught to feel unworthy and undeserving?- ?we become what others say we are.As Jon Kabat-Zinn, the man who brought mindfulness into the mainstream, explains: âPerhaps we just need little reminders from time to time that we are already dignified, deserving, worthy. Sometimes we donâ t feel that way because of the wounds and the scars we carry from the past, or because of the uncertainty of the future.âResearch shows that we tend to see ourselves through the âeyes of othersâ?- ?we find it difficult to separate how we perceive ourselves and how our âimaginary audienceâ does. This exaggerated sense of being âon stageâ all the time, results in harsher self-criticism.âIt is doubtful that we came to feel undeserving on our own. We were helped to feel unworthy. We were taught it in a thousand ways when we were little, and we learned our lessons well.â?- ?Kabat-Zinn continuesSelf-esteem is contingent on an idealized version of success created by others?- ?when things donât go as expected, our life collapses.Unfortunately, high self-esteem wonât rescue you from stress, anxiety, or depression. Feeling special is not enough to fix a broken foundation.Self-Compassion Is Not SelfishSelf-appreciation is not the same as self-pity or self-indulgence?- ? it doesnât mean living in a me-centered world.When people feel pity about themselves, they become immersed in their own problems and think they are the only ones suffering. Self-pity is about playing the victim in your life?- ?you get stuck blaming others and lose control of your destiny.Self-indulgence is escapism?- ?you get distracted to avoid taking care of yourself.Self-centered people live in a me-me-me world?- ?they believe everything revolves around them. When people canât appreciate themselves, they become desperate for external appreciation.A healthy relationship with yourself requires a balanced perspective. As Malcolm Forbes said, âToo many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.âAppreciation is critical?- ?it refers to valuing who you are and what you do.Itâs not about becoming someone different but appreciating who you already are. You are at peace with your own company?- ?you acknowledge your beliefs, trust your instincts, and accept both your flaws and successes.Self-Appreciation is recognizing the value that lies within you.Honor your uniquenessâYou are a wonderful manifestation. The whole universe has come together to make your existence possible.â?- ?Thich Nhat HahnLove who you are without having to pretend you are someone you are not.We all want to feel special, but we are not. Bragging about your achievements is as self-centered as feeling pity for your problems. Self-Appreciation is about consciously acknowledging the positive within you without the need to compare yourself to others.We usually focus more on negative thoughts rather than positive ones?- ?thatâs why we narrow our inner-perception. We either get stuck on that negative self-image or exaggerate our good traits to offset negativity.Kabat-Zinn encourages us to develop an appreciation âfor the richness of life and the inevitability of all its dilemmas, sorrows, tragedies and ironies.âZinn reminds us that life is always in flux?- ?nothi ng is neither permanent nor perfect. Life is full of good experiences as well as the little things that go wrong. We must confront and come to terms with what is most human in ourselves?- ?your ideas, thoughts, possessions, relationships, emotions, bodies, everything.When you appreciate yourself, itâs easier to appreciate others. Lack of self-acceptance is why people have enemies?- ?itâs impossible to accept other peopleâs uniqueness if you canât honor yours.As Jon Kabat-Zinn says, âNote that this journey is uniquely yours, no one elseâs. So the path has to be your own. You cannot imitate somebody elseâs journey and still be true to yourself.âPracticing positive self-talk and being more appreciative can expand your inner-perception?- ?You create new neural pathways that lead to positive thoughts.Some people believe that a positive approach to change can hinder our growth. Appreciation doesnât mean being naif or overly-optimistic?- ?itâs about making your foundati on stronger so you can continue building on top.Genuine appreciation of self develops a sense of humility and sensitivity?- ?we acknowledge that we all have strengths and weaknesses. You embrace your goodness without becoming overconfident or arrogant.Spend Time Listening to YourselfâMaybe the fear is that we are less than we think we are when the actuality of it is that we are much much more.â?- ?Jon Kabat-ZinnSelf-compassion is the ability to be kind and considerate to yourself. Itâs not something you can develop overnight?- ?you have to erase the voice of your âinner audienceâ before you can listen to your own.Practicing meditation helps train the mind?- ?you become more familiar with yourself. Neuroscience shows that meditating regularly not only reduces stress and anxiety?- ?it changes your brain for the better.Meditation is not about improving yourself, but to simple realize where you are?- ?rather than looking into the future, you focus in the here and now. By being present, you start acknowledging your foundation.Thupten Jinpa, the Dalai Lamaâs English translator, explains that to create a more compassionate world, we must first practice kindness towards ourselves. He provides a roadmap to greater self-acceptance. Listen to your inner-voice: pay attention to both your negative and positive thoughts. Become aware of self-criticism; recognize that thoughts are just constructs. Explore how to reframe negative judgments into more compassionate ones. Incorporate an intention practice: You just need two minutes in the morning. Jinpa encourages you to quietly affirm, âThis day, I will make my day meaningful. I will as much as possible try to bring conscious intention into my interaction with others. I will as much as possible when the opportunity arises, be kind to others and at least refrain from harming others. Iâll be more mindful. Iâll be caring and concerned for other people in my life. In this way, Iâll make my day meaningful.â Practice self-acceptance exercises: Jinpa covers a wide range of exercises?- ?from simple to harder ones?- ?to help you practice compassion toward yourself and others. Check out his book or this post I wrote with some self-acceptance exercises and resources. Imagine yourself as a child: When we reconnect to our inner-child, itâs easier to embrace our vulnerability. Self-Appreciation requires to stop seeing ourselves through a perfectionist lens and choose a kind one instead. Listen to your narrative: The stories we tell ourselves about ourselves shape our identity. Thus, self-appreciation depends on our narrative. If, when reliving something that happened, you decide to play the role of a victim, you become the victim. Reflect on your narrative. Are you telling the story as it happened or in an overly negative or positive way? The Foundation of a Better WorldâDonât ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.â â" Howard Washington ThurmanLow self-esteem is a cultural creation.The Dalai Lama is a wise observer of the human mind, yet he was shocked to learn that low self-esteem may be pervasive in Western society.His response was to encourage people to acknowledge their own self-worth?- ?we must realize our goodness so we can see other peopleâs too.Self-Appreciation?- ?being compassionate and loving ourselves?- ?is not only the foundation of our lives; itâs the foundation of a better world. The stronger it is, the more we can build together.The world needs you. Donât succumb to the external pressure to be someone else?- ?become the best version of yourself. Appreciating yourself is the foundation of a happy life. Go and build a bigger you?- ?the rest will follow.This article was originally published on Medium.
Friday, November 15, 2019
How to Practice for an Interview in 5 Steps
How to Practice for an Interview in 5 Steps How to Practice for an Interview in 5 Steps What if I run into traffic on my way to the interview and get there late? What if I mess up one of my answers? What if I draw a total blank when my interviewer asks me if I have any questions for them? If youâve ever been up for a position you really wanted before, then questions like these have probably raced through your head in the hours - or worse, throughout the night - before your big interview . Many people think of overwhelming anxiety as an inevitable part of the interview process. But the truth is, your nerves can be greatly eased once you learn how to properly prepare for an interview. Not only will this make you feel a whole lot better going in - odds are, with a clear head, youâll actually do a better job. Ready to learn how to walk into an interview with confidence, and knock it out of the park? Follow these five steps. Recruiters and hiring managers donât just want to know about your skills and experience - they also want to know how knowledgeable you are about the company. In fact, questions like âWhat is the name of our CEO?â and âWho are our competitors?â are both among the most commonly asked interview questions . But even if you donât encounter a question like this, looking up the basics of the company is still worthwhile. Use Glassdoor and online searches to learn about the companyâs industry, products, mission, names of leaders, competitors, recent news and more. Then, you can drop these tidbits of newfound knowledge throughout your responses - e.g., when asked âWhy do you want to work here?â a candidate might say, âThe reason I decided to apply to this job was because of how much your mission resonates with me. I truly believe that making affordable, high-speed internet widely accessible will help bring the world closer together.â This proves a few things: a) youâre passionate about the opportunity, b) youâre a proactive self-starter with good critical thinking skills and c) youâre a good culture fit for the company. You can also use this info to ask more informed questions of the interviewers themselves - more on that later. A lot of candidates stress out over not knowing what a recruiter or hiring manager is going to ask them. But in reality, youâll get a lot of the same questions from one person to another. There are a few basic questions that youâll almost certainly be asked - these include staples like âTell me about yourself,â âWhy do you want to leave your current job?â and âWhat are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?â If youâre a data-driven job seeker, youâll appreciate the list of the 50 Most Common Interview Questions that Glassdoor identified after sifting through tens of thousands of interview reviews. You can also use Glassdoorâs interview reviews to find out which questions they specifically ask at the company youâre applying to, as well as which questions are common for your job title. Sure, you might be thrown an oddball interview question every now and then, but youâll likely find that the vast majority of questions youâre asked are ones that you can identify in advance. Now that you have an idea of which questions you could be asked, itâs time to think about how you will respond to them. Keep in mind that in general, interviewers want responses that are specific, positive, impactful and genuine. If you want to know what kind of answers recruiters and hiring managers are looking for from specific questions, check out Glassdoorâs How to Answer the 50 Most Common Interview Questions . Donât just think about what your response should entail - go ahead and write it down. You probably shouldnât write out full answers - that can result in you memorizing the responses verbatim, which can come across as too rehearsed - but making a bulleted list of key points you want to hit is a great idea. Try using the worksheet at the bottom of this blog post to sketch out your answers. After youâve written down the key points you want to hit in common interview questions, itâs a good idea to hold a mock interview aloud with a friend or family member. Some people might feel a little shy about doing this, but brush these feelings aside as best you can - in my experience, this is the number one way to improve your odds of succeeding in an interview. Doing a dry run will allow you to get any mistakes you might make out of the way before it counts against you, and also helps you get valuable feedback, so donât skip this essential step. One of the questions youâll almost always be asked by an interviewer is âDo you have any questions for me?â It might seem innocuous, but believe it or not, this is a very common area in which candidates trip up. Interviewers arenât just asking this question to be nice - it serves as somewhat of a litmus test for whether or not youâve done your research, are a good culture fit and demonstrate strong critical thinking skills. Use the research you gathered in step two to help you craft intelligent, informed questions about the role and company that will give you a fuller picture of what itâs like to work there and what it takes to be successful. For example, if you learned that the company youâre applying to is launching a new mobile app, you might say âI read that your company is launching a new mobile experience soon. Can you tell me more about that, and how it relates to this position?â You can also use this opportunity to dig into anything that hasnât been brought up yet or covered in sufficient detail, like company culture, how the company defines success and what drew your interviewer to the company. Congrats - if youâve gotten through the previous four steps, youâve already gotten the hard part out of the way! Now, all you have to do is think through all the little logistical details of your interview. These can vary depending on what kind of interview it is - phone, video, in-person, etc. Here are a few things to keep in mind for some of the most common types of interviews: Preparing for an interview the right way does take some work on your part, but believe us - itâs worth the effort. Who knows? You might just find that interviews arenât as scary as you thought after all. Now go out there and get âem!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How to Succeed in Your First Accounting Job
How to Succeed in Your First Accounting Job How to Succeed in Your First Accounting Job If youâre about to finish your studies or just launching your career as an accountant, you know itâs a great time to be starting out in the profession. The job market for people with your skills is strong, and there are many opportunities for you, beginning with your first accounting job. Itâs one thing to land that first job in your field. Itâs another to really put yourself on a path to success. For some words of wisdom along those lines, we interviewed four people who won AICPA/Accountemps scholarships while they were accounting students - Stacy Bonds, Nicole Exnicios, Justin Korth and Laura Rudolph - and came up with these four tips everyone should follow in their first accounting job. 1. Tap into your passion When asked why they chose to study accounting, all of the scholarship winners cited a love for the methodology and practice of the profession. But they had other reasons, as well. Exnicios, a Tulane University student, wanted to follow the example set by members of her family who are CPAs. âI was inspired by their career success and ability to use their technical skills to serve the community,â she says. To thrive in your first accounting job, remember the things that motivated you to enter the profession in the first place - especially during the hard times, like the long hours of tax season, or when youâre dealing with CPA exam anxiety. 2. Consider graduate school and scholarships Studying for an advanced degree can help you as you start your accounting career. For instance, if you plan to get your CPA license, many states require 150 hours of education, so it only makes sense to head to a graduate program. For many people, however, itâs simply too expensive. But consider this: Three of the scholarship recipients are using the award to pay tuition for graduate programs. If you want to extend your education beyond the bachelorâs degree but feel like you canât afford it, look for awards organizations and businesses give out to accounting students. Chances are, there are more available than you realize. If you win one, it will not only fund your schooling. It will also allow you to focus on studying, rather than worrying about tuition. As Rudolph, who studied at the University of Wisconsin, said, âThis scholarship means a lot to me and will help lower my stress during this important academic year.â 3. Think beyond the Big 4 Three of the scholarship recipients planned to work for public accounting firms after graduation. But all had career plans that went beyond the Big 4. North Carolina State student Bonds, for example, planned to take her first accounting job at PricewaterhouseCoopers. But she said she'd eventually like to become the CFO of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. âI want to become the CFO so that I can assist my church in developing a revenue-generating system that will relieve the assessments that local churches have to pay, thus promoting more financial and economic growth in the local areas,â she says. In other words, keep in mind that there are many career paths and different industries to explore. Every type of business needs an accountant, from sports teams to governmental agencies to law enforcement. Take a look at some of the temporary job openings right now in accounting and finance. 4. Shoot for the stars It feels great to land your dream entry-level accounting job. But you canât just rest on your laurels if you want to have a successful career in the long run. You also have to set career goals. Korth, who took his first accounting job at a CPA firm after studying at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, said his dream was to âbe a business adviser to clients and help them achieve their goals.â But that was just the beginning. âMy ultimate career goal is to run for public office and use my accounting/business skills to affect monetary policy,â he said. If you know where you want to end up, youâll be better able to develop the skills and experience you need to get there - and youâll likely be more driven and focused, as well. More advice for your first accounting job More than half (54 percent) of CFOs polled by Robert Half said newly hired accountants have no time to waste - less than three months, in fact, to prove themselves on the job. So you have a lot on your plate. Are you a good fit? Do you take directions well? Are you picking up on the technology? Those are all considerations that will determine your success, especially as you're starting out. Put yourself on a path to success by focusing on the job at hand - and on your career for the long haul. The sky is the limit! SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
How to Negotiate Your Job Title
How to Negotiate Your Job Title How to Negotiate Your Job Title Imagine youâve been offered the job of your dreams. The salary is great, you can work from home, and youâll be doing precisely what youâve studied for all these years. The problem is, you donât exactly love your soon-to-be job title. Thankfully, you donât have to be stuck with a job title that is not a good fit for you- or your career. Once you have a job offer, the option to negotiate the terms of that offer, including the title, is there for you. Hereâs how to negotiate your job title and make it âworkâ for you. How to negotiate your job title. Check with the company. Your first step in getting a better job title is to check in with the company itself. Find out if other employees have the same title and exactly what they do. If you discover that they are not doing what you will be doing, you can easily request to negotiate your job title and have it altered to better describe your actual duties. Research similar titles. If no one at your future job has the same title as you, look outside the company for inspiration. Do a little digging and find companies that are similar in nature to yours, as well as the employees and their job titles. If you canât find specific job information on the companyâs website, you can always research the companyâs employees (and their job descriptions) through LinkedIn. From there, you will have a more accurate picture of the job responsibilities associated with the position, and youll be in a better position to negotiate your job title. Set up a meeting. Once you have enough info about the job title you have (and the one that you really want), set up a meeting with your soon-to-be boss. Explain that you donât feel that your job title accurately reflects the type of work youâll be doing or the amount of experience you already have in this field. Show him your research to back up your claims. But before you start to negotiate your job title, be sure to offer other job title options (have at least two to choose from) and highlight how these better depict what youâll be doing. Be flexible. Sometimes, a job title change isnât possible. Why? Companies have certain salary amounts tied to specific job titles, and altering your title could mean that you might have to be paid more- and the company may not have it in the budget to do so. That doesnât mean that you wonât ever get the job title you want. Perhaps your boss can change certain job duties to fit your job title, or he might even be able to give you the title you want after a certain time period. A job title is one of the most important elements of a job. Not only does it identify who you are (and how important you are) in the company, but it also acts as a springboard when you begin looking for your next position. Starting out with an accurate job title will not only make you feel respected in your current position, but it will help if you look for another job in the future, too. Readers, have you ever tried to negotiate your job title? How did you do it? Were you successful? Let us know in the comments section below!
Monday, November 11, 2019
How to Make a Personal Website That Helps You Find a Job ?Tutorial?
How to Make a Personal Website That Helps You Find a Job ?Tutorial? How to Make a Personal Website That Helps You Find a Job ?Tutorial? We'll get to how you can make a professional website in just a moment, but first:You nail your resume, cover letter, and get that phone interview.Then, the hiring manager asks you to send in examples of your work. If only there was a way to provide information and show your work in one placeThis is one of the many pain points solved by creating a professional website for your career. With a website, you can show your work, tell your story more effectively, and stand out among the competition.If you dont know how to design a website for professional use, dont sweat it. At MOJO Marketplace, we specialize in helping people with building and designing websites on their own. We help small businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancersfind success online.Were guest posting on Zety to provide our perspective and hopefully give your career a boost by helping you figure out how to design a more effective professional website.In this article, youll learn how to create a webpage that will maximize your impact on recruiters and hiring managers.1Why You Need a Professional WebsiteSurprisingly, skepticism about having a professional portfolio website persists today. If you fall into that camp, here are three big reasons to change your mind.One PlaceYour own professional website enables you to provide information, examples of your work, your story, and ways to get in touch, all in one convenient place.ControlYou will gain more control over your online presence (what comes up in search results) and how recruiters learn about you.ImpressWhen you create your own website, you demonstrate resourcefulness and skills hiring managers value for any job, such as communication and organization.2How to Create a Website Step by StepIf youre seeing a matrix of candys of your achievements, e.g., quantified sales results, can be visualized on a web page.For professionals outside creative industries, having a work-oriented home page is also a great way to show off assets that just dont fit in wit h the traditional, and somewhat restrictive, resume (i.e., creativity).Good luck with the job search!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Best System to Use for Top Skills for Resume Exposed
The Best System to Use for Top Skills for Resume Exposed Thus, being thorough with the fundamental skills is extremely essential to create a stable career in the area. CNA skills become sharpened with time. If you would like to display your organization skills, obtaining a tightly structured resume certainly helps. There are a few skills that will be totally necessary for any successful candidate. WordPress is really the most popular content management system in the planet, and PHP is the language that it's constructed on. A person's skill set is comprised of an assortment of personal skills that they've acquired through education and employment. In addition to the practical demand for developers in just about any organization, programming skills demonstrate advanced problem solving skills that could result in a well-rounded professional. Therefore, to be an excellent receptionist, an individual must possess an amazing amount of organizational skills. Hard skills have a tendency to be more technical, and each business or sort of job will often have its personal necessary set. Soft skills on the opposite hand, are not simply useful across multiple industries, but are a wonderful tool for standing out from different candidates who all possess the identical hard skills. Strong planning abilities and organization are traits which are highly desired in an employee, particularly in the plan world. Here's What I Know About Top Skills for Resume If you're interested in submitting an application for a particular job, review the post carefully and observe the list of skill requirements. You may find below a list of the greatest skills you may put on your resume based on the kind of job that you are applying for. There are some diverse forms of skill sections and formatting alternatives that you should think about when c rafting your resume. Your skills section stipulates a window into how much capability it is possible to bring to the organization. What Does Top Skills for Resume Mean? The placement of your skills section is also a rather important point to contemplate. Maybe it set is completely different. The skill section may be the most important section on your resume if you place it together correctly. In truth, it could be appropriate to incorporate a more prominent core competencies section at the peak of your resume with thorough descriptions of certain skills if they're absolutely central to success in the desired position. The Good, the Bad and Top Skills for Resume You want to communicate to somebody else, so think about what they need to see. So, having the capability to drive is most likely the top rated hard skill you have to have to do the job. To begin with, if you're seeing a great deal of hard skills that you just don't have, it could be better to move on to the next po sition. Remember that critical thinking a part of good analytical skills. There's only so much room on your resume, and at times it can be tough to properly convey whatever you should. Read through it a couple of occasions and you'll probably spot three or four vital skills mentioned repeatedly throughout the document. When you have time, you may also jot down some notes to assist you in getting your point across. If you can't motivate yourself to work when you want to to keep on track, then you're likely to have a really problem with lots of of remote jobs. Instead, you ought to showcase your soft skills by producing an achievement-oriented expert experience section. If you're on the lookout for a job for a sommelier, list your understanding of wine fundamentals and food pairing, together with your experience with inventory administration. Once it means your skills are more in demand, in addition, it means there are a variety of new tools you could need to learn as a way to create a prosperous career. Review their About Us page and see whether your soft abilities or attributes are aligned with the organization's core values. Your accounting degree or experience with bookkeeping might be more applicable than you believe. Resume objectives are occasionally thought to be the old schooltype of resume. To give employers a better idea about what you've accomplished, talk about the size of the group and the range of the projects you manage. What You Can Do About Top Skills for Resume Starting in the Next 20 Minutes No matter the scenario, it's the HR manager's responsibility to follow the employees and make certain they got their message across clearly. Resume is a kind of document utilized by individuals that are seeking for employment. Listed below are six of the most crucial, listed in the order of importance depending on the outcomes of the survey. On the flip side, HR involves a great deal of paperwork that has to be filed systemically such as employee profile and legal documents. You also need to possess the key soft skills employers search for. Be confident in yourself and what you're able to offer employers. Therefore, employers are increasingly on the lookout for candidates that are familiarized with Agile. Even if you disagree with an employer, coworker, or employee, it is essential for you to understand and respect their viewpoint. If you're not certain which skills you wish to share, consider your prior experiences. Some skills could be relevant while others aren't. 3 First, you have to pick the best skills for your resume. You've got to curate the few skills which are most relevant to them. The Key to Successful Top Skills for Resume A functional resume is a great place to begin. Locating a well-put-together resume example may be huge support to you as you want to craft the perfect resume for yourself. Superb people skills are an essential portion of what makes you such a standout employee who'd be an asset to any company that offers you an opportunity to shine. For instance, if you've got a strong history with word processing and a work description demands experience with a particular processor you haven't used, you may use your experience to demonstrate the employer that you've got zero issue working with new word processors.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Notes on Career Generator in Simple Step by Step Order
Notes on Career Generator in Simple Step by Step Order Personal qualities, experience and interests associated with the career field ought to be detailed too. A career aspiration statement may also include interests and techniques associated with the desired career field. If you get a particular career in mind, check to determine if you are going to need specific A Level subjects. Your career or degree ideas may change so make certain you choose subjects which you enjoy and can succeed in. What a business school gives is a means to manage risk, a way to construct your network, Davis said, a means to get mentoring that you can't receive any other way. Think About What Kind of Lifestyle You Want Ultimately, if you want to establish a career which will allow you to live the lifestyle you've always wanted, then you'll want to be selective and pick a path that's conducive to that type of reality. The important thing, if you do make the decision to do a gap year, is to make certa in to do something worthwhile. Try and imagine where you wish to be in five or ten decades, and find out the very best approach to receive there. When you come to us, you find the best prices on the summary you require, and that's truly how we get the business done for you. You would like to land a great job which pays well. Wind technicians are also accountable for administration of the website. If a challenge is detected, wind technicians must go to the worksite and carry out as-needed troubleshooting, repair and assistance. Working at Vestas you will meet people who have a broad selection of skills, from a selection of cultures and we are always on the watch for more talented individuals. Research has indicated that a lot of the different Personality Types generally have distinct preferences in their selection of careers. When it has to do with stumbling on career paths which you would normally never think of, few methods are somewhat more effective than simply spending a whole day reading career blogs. If consistent employment is among your top priorities, attempt to find occupations that have an extremely low rate of employment. Top Choices of Career Generator 1 big indication that Generators should keep an eye out for as an indication which they are responding and operating correctly is synchronicity. All you need to do is visit a site or app and finish a set of tasks. You might think of new suggestions to address your new issue. In case you have any tips on how we might improve it, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us with your input as we always strive to give the best generators possible. Chancing upon a business in the Greater Houston area at which you can buy a generator or tankless water heater may not be excessively hard. A list are available here below. Such information is just collected from you whenever you voluntarily submit it to us. This information will allow you to begin on the perfect path. The Advantages of Career Generator Learn about a few easy team mottos and the way it is possible to create an amazing team motto for your team. You wouldn't need to choose one that doesn't signify or reflect the essence of the team. NEWOLDSTAMP team is prepared to help you produce custom-made email signature with the assistance of which you will readily differentiate yourself from others. Whether you need assistance finding the proper path for you or wish to learn a little bit more about your working style that will help you enhance the job you presently have, there's guaranteed to be a career quiz for you. The Advantages of Career Generator Entrepreneurial spirit is just one of four pillars of the Huntsman School, or so the creation of the center is only going to add to achieving that goal, Glauser stated. Choosing a long-term career path can be a difficult choice to make because it is going to determine what you're likely to be doing for the near future. When you are in possession of a simple career path chosen, you may add specifics to it. To begin with, you have to look within yourself at your present pathway and your proposed destination. The Chronicles of Career Generator Concentrate on the tools you need You could have a list of organizations you wish to work for or titles you want during your career. Performance counseling (also referred to as developmental counseling) is the sort of routine, periodic counseling given by the supervisor to his Soldiers. Liberate your thinking you are going to be in terrific business. There are just a few companies which produce wood gasifier systems commercially.
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